Executive Committee
Ian Adderley
Ian's topics of interest include co-operative law and governance, and local government.
Ria Bernard
Ria's topics of interest include health, education and social integration
Miriam Rice
Miriam is a Councillor in Ealing who is interested in how co-operative housing and supporting local co-operatives can empower communities. She also advocates further support for the Fairtrade movement.
Colin Bastin
Colin has a keen interest in Care Co-ops, Taxi Co-ops, housing, education, human rights and peace.
Tom Searle
Alan Griffiths
Beulah East
Sabiha Shahzad
Phil Portwood
Phil is a former Councillor who has an enthusiasm for Co-operative history, London local government, co-op pubs & clubs, and electoral & constitutional issues.
Jeanette Dye
Clive Fraser
Cate Tuitt
Gareth Thomas MP
Gareth is Labour & Co-operative MP for Harrow West and Chair of the Co-operative Party. He sits on the London Co-operative Party Executive as the London Rep on the NEC.
Joe Simpson
Joe sits on the London Co-operative Party Executive committee in his capacity as Co-operative Representative on the London Labour Regional Board.
Danny Filer
Danny sits on the London Co-operative Party Exec in his capacity as London Youth Representative.
Jane Cameron
Jane supports activity of the London Co-operative Party in her capacity as London Development Officer